Wednesday, March 24, 2010

'Poo Free'??

There is this trend I've been reading about that encourages people to wean themselves off shampoo/conditioner and to use a natural solution. Our hair becomes chemically dependent on shampoo/conditioner and our natural oils stop producing the way they were intended to.
Plus it is harmful to the environment. Check out this medical news article that links these cosmetic products possibly to breast cancer!

People SWEAR by this... curly haired people, thin haired people, long haired people, bald people (haha got ya) and so.............

Austin and I have decided to go 'poo free' for 30 days to see what a difference it makes.

Normally I wash my hair everyday, not that it really NEEDS washed everyday, but when I shower each morning, it just seems like something to do. I havent used conditioner for 4 years now, but for those that want a natural conditioner, wash your hair with 1/2 c apple cider vinegar and you'll get similar results.

Here's our shampoo recipe:

1 cup h2o and 1 tbsp baking soda
mix together and pour on your hair
massage thoroughly
rinse out your hair and proceed to "conditioner" (ACV) if desired

If this 30 day trial is successful, we will save about $10 each month and not be wasting plastic bottles!

Here is my before pic:

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